Author Archives: wsiteam

Kerry Actuator Operating a Sewage Gate

Customer: City of Rawlins, WY Application Description: One of our common applications for our Kerry Actuator is operating gates for our customers. We recently provided a solution to the municipality of Rawlins, WY for one of their sewage gates. This mid-sized gate was previously operated manually via a large and labor intensive hand wheel and […]

2016 Trade Show Schedule

The Kerry Company is planning a busy year for 2016! We will be exhibiting the following trade shows: WEFTEC ( 89TH Technical Exhibition and Conference Sept. 24-28, 2016, New Orleans Morial Convention Center. From the WEFTEC website: “The world’s largest annual water quality exhibition is a big part of WEFTEC, where almost 1,000 exhibitors display […]

The Kerry Company: Actuators to Keep You Moving

The Kerry Company, Inc. is known for our Kerry Actuator. Our actuators are custom-made sealed, self-contained linear and rotary units. The Kerry Actuator is a unique concept designed to join together the advantages of conventional electrical rams (compactness and easy installation) and the advantages of hydraulics (smooth, linear/rotary motion, adjustability, safety, and reliability). It incorporates […]